Sunday, 15 September 2013


my magazines target audience

my problem page is for a sixth form magazine. the page I'm creating for this project is the problem page this means that the target audience would be for the ages of the sixth form 16-18. to keep my target audience interested in the magazine and keep reading it the content will have to relate to them to them in a certain way for example things that have been going on at school that other people they know have written in the magazine asking for help for a problem they have for example being stressed about exams or how they are losing sleep or bullying ect.
           i believe that the majority of the readers would be female. this is because a lot of females are more interested in others problems. i can back this up by other professional problem pages in famous magazines. they are nearly always female targeted. Most males don't really care about other peoples problems but if its people they know, they might be a little more interested. 

for someone to be very interested in a problem page would have to be a very chatty or gossipy person. i believe that people who read problem pages either read them for something to talk about or read them to make other peoples problems make the reader feel better about themselves. my guess that the readers interests would be watching similar things on TV related to other peoples problems in everyday life e.g. made in Chelsea,the only way is essex. other more extreme problems like the jeremy kyle show.   

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