front cover
mast head - the logo is in bold colours in contrast to the more dark more serious reality of the magazine reminding the audience that its more of poeple educated in music. however the logo is simple and not extremely crazy implying that is doen't have to make lots of effort for it to be eye catching to bring audience in. the magazine expects people to buy the magazine because of the popularity of it.
strapline- the strapline is the only blue on the page making it stand out. there is a pitcure of another magazine on the strap but the puff is in the colour silver implying that you should look at it second or after you reads this magazine as silver is usually reffered to as second place when the faces of the arctic monkeys have been iluminated to make them lookd gold and alex turner is wearing a gold chain implying he is the main band member and the band you want to hear about the most.
Slogan- there is no slogan showing the audience that they are a serious agazine and not trying to be cheesy.
main image
the main image is the four band members of the Arctic monkeys. their dark hair and dressed in navy blue shows their formal approach. there is only one person making eye contact with the audience suggesting that he is the front man of the band.they have very different hairstyles showingt their induviduality and highlights to the audience that they are the height of fashion. the main effect that the imnage has is that they are a serious band that people should take seriously, not just some forgetable one.
Anchorage text
the anchoarge text is white in contast to the dark background. it is ironic for the white as arctic relates to snow. it says "how broken hands,competing haircuts and a strange voyeurism helped make their best record yet"there is use of the rule of three puffing their new record and giving the reader a sense of anticipation. "how broken hands" gives the reader a sense of dramaas well as humour"competing hair cuts" this gives the reader the idea that their article would have a lot of appealing features to make it interesting to read.
sell line
the WHITE LIES sell line has alliteration and the rule of three trying very hard to get the readers focus off the main image to be attracted to their main also rythmes giving the reader the impression that the article is informal and amusing to read.
RICHARD BRANDSON'S sell line is his quote "I'm choosing which band to send to space" this is an interesting topic to anyone but some readers may not believe this at first so it would attract them to read the article to find out more.
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